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O Derradeiro Dos Mohicanos / Fenimore Cooper, Cooper, Fenimore

by Cooper, Fenimore; Cooper ,J.Fenimore; Cooper, James Fenimore; Arias, Xela.
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Xabarín (Xerais) ;50.Publisher: Vigo :Xerais ,1993 Edition: 1ª.Description: 486 p. :il. ;19cm.ISBN: 8475077684.Subject(s): Amor-Novelas | Guerra-Novelas | Vinganza-Novelas | Nativos americanos-Novelas | Imperialismo-Novelas | RELATO HISTORICO
literatura xuvenil en galego
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Traducción de: The last of the mohicans. -- Indice

literatura xuvenil en galego

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